Lance For Congress: Three Reasons Why Tom Malinowski Won't Dump Nancy Pelosi

Three Reasons Why Tom Malinowski Won't Dump Nancy Pelosi


June 21, 2018

Today Congressional Candidate Jeff Van Drew became the latest New Jersey Democrat to say they won't support House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

While Democratic Candidates in New Jersey and across the country have vowed to dump Pelosi, DC Lobbyist Tom Malinowski remains quiet. But don't be fooled. While Malinowski continues to be coy about Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, there is clear evidence that he will be a Pelosi Puppet if elected to Congress

  1. Malinowski has received more than $14,000 from Pelosi and her leadership PAC.
  2. Malinowski and Pelosi both support so-called "Medicare for All" government-run health care that would end employee-sponsored coverage and raise taxes to the tune of $32 trillion.
  3. They're neighbors! Malinowski and Pelosi both own million dollar homes in Northwest Washington D.C.

"Tom Malinowski was hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi to run for Congress. Pelosi convinced the nearly 30-year resident of Washington, DC and former lobbyist to come to New Jersey where Malinowski quickly rented an apartment and bullied his way through the primary," said Lance Campaign Manager Jim Hilk. "The reality is both Nancy and Tom are D.C. liberals who live in DC houses, breathe DC air and pay DC property taxes."

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