Lance Sponsors Anti-Corruption Measure

Lance Sponsors Anti-Corruption Measure

FLEMINGTON, N.J. --- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07), is now the first and only New Jersey member of Congress to cosponsor legislation outlawing members of Congress from serving on the boards of publicly-held companies.  Lance joins the bipartisan leads of U.S. Representatives Tom Reed (NY-23) and Kathleen Rice (NY-04) in offering the resolution to change the rules of the House.

I try to lead by example with integrity in public service and I am pleased to join this bipartisan resolution.  Members of Congress should not be allowed to serve on the board of a corporation.  The work of Congress has a profound effect on the economy and such arrangements are ripe for abuse,” said Lance.

The U.S. House does not prohibit lawmakers from serving on the boards of publicly-held companies, however the U.S. Senate has such a rule.  The House measure Lance is backing is similar to Senate Rule 37.6(a), which states no Senator “shall serve as an officer or member of the board of any publicly-held or publicly regulated corporation, financial institution, or business entity.”

It is time to change the rules,” Lance concluded.

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