Lance Statement on Budget/SALT Elimination Vote

Lance Statement on Budget/SALT Elimination Vote


WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) released the following statement after he opposed a budget document calling for the elimination of the state and local tax deduction in tax reform:


“I opposed the budget blueprint today because the state and local tax deduction was specifically singled out for elimination under the proposal.  That provision was egregious and its inclusion undermines the ongoing attempts to negotiate improvements to the tax reform plan.   I could not support a budget blueprint with such language. 


“I want tax reform.  I want to lower the corporate rate so the United States can be competitive in the world and I want lower taxes on individuals and small businesses.  But New Jersey sends more than enough money to Washington and I cannot support a plan financed on the backs of New Jerseyans.  I will not ease up in my determination to address this flaw in the plan.”     

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