Lance Statement on DACA Program
Lance Statement on DACA Program
WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) issued the following statement after the Trump Administration's announcement to wind down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:
“Like many of my colleagues I agree that President Obama exceeded his Constitutional authority and disregarded existing law to implement his plan for undocumented immigrants.
“Today President Trump has called on Congress to act and rightfully so. To this end, I am cosponsoring legislation that would provide a workable, permanent legislative solution for those individuals who entered our country unlawfully as children with their undocumented parents.
“Over the coming weeks I intend to work closely with my colleagues and the Administration to pass meaningful immigration reforms that will secure our borders, strengthen employment verification and provide a workable path for 'Dreamers' with DACA status.”
NOTE: Lance is cosponsoring H.R. 1468, the "Recognizing America's Children Act." The bill would grant high school graduates without a serious criminal record — and who don’t rely on public assistance — conditional immigration status. If, over a five-year period, they earn a higher-education degree, serve in the military or stay employed, they could apply for permanent residency and, eventually, citizenship. Enlisted military personnel would get to seek naturalization immediately. This bill is sponsored by Congressman Carlos Curbelo of Florida.