Lance Statement On Government Funding

Lance Statement On Government Funding

Lance Priorities Included in Package


WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) released the following statement after passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act, which included Lance priorities such as Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico:


The responsible vote is to keep the government open.  I have always opposed governmental shutdowns.  The Bipartisan Budget Act is the product of compromise – neither side got everything it wanted.  But many critical priorities I have championed were included in the final product, including disaster relief funds, funding for community health centers and meeting Secretary Mattis’ request for Defense Department funding.  The package also repeals Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, a panel widely opposed by senior citizen advocacy groups.  The legislation also finally secures funding for Medicaid in Puerto Rico, a project I have long advocated for alongside Resident Commissioner González-Colón.  Low-cost federal health care will now continue for our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico,” said Lance after passage.


Medicaid continues to provide critical health care delivery needs for the citizens of Puerto Rico and the program is under significant financial strain as the Commonwealth recovers from Hurricane Maria.  Lance and González-Colón’s teamed up to give Puerto Rico financial certainty to continue providing critical services through the Medicaid program.  As of June 2015, 1.7 million people are enrolled in the Medicaid and CHIP program in Puerto Rico.

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden also acknowledged Lance’s leadership after the vote.  “Rep. Lance has been a critical voice as we worked to provide vital Medicaid resources for the people of Puerto Rico. His steadfast commitment to addressing this Medicaid cliff never wavered and relief will soon be on its way.”

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