Lance Statement on the American Health Care Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) issued the following statement after the vote on the American Health Care Act was canceled:
“Greater choice and competition will be the free-market forces that lower health care costs for all Americans. The legislation Congress was considering this week missed that mark and did not meet my goals for an Obamacare replacement plan: greater access for the American people, better options for all patients and lower costs across the health care market. I am hopeful future legislation will achieve these goals and I will work with President Trump, Speaker Ryan and all those who wish to improve the health care system in this country.
“And that includes my Democratic colleagues. For years Americans have experienced rising premiums, declining insurance options and health care costs that continue to rise. President Obama was reluctant to admit any fault in his signature bill and sign any reforms into law. And despite repeated called by Democrats to ‘fix’ Obamacare, they put forward no major legislation. Democrats in Congress need to come to the table. They passed Obamacare into law. They need to help with the solution that all our constituents deserve.”