Lance Statement on Senator John McCain

Lance Statement on Senator John McCain
FLEMINGTON, N.J. —— Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) issued the following statement on the death of Senator John McCain:
“One of our country’s greatest citizens, John McCain devoted his life to the Nation, first as a Naval Aviator and then as a member of the House of Representatives and for more than three decades a United States Senator. His heroism as a prisoner of war, his tenacity in the halls of Congress and his courageous campaigns for President are all testaments to his magnificent service to the United States.
“I was privileged to run on the same ticket with Senator McCain in 2008 and believe he would have been an excellent President.
“At his passing we are reminded of the Naval Hymn’s humble prayer that all who serve in peril on the sea or in the air might be brought safely home again by our Eternal Father.”