Lance’s Real Gun Record

Lance’s Real Gun Record


Congressman Leonard Lance has been a friend to the gun lobby his entire career. Taking positions like supporting concealed carry reciprocity, making it easier for the mentally ill to purchase a gun, and advocating for the repeal of the New Jersey Assault Weapons Ban are among the many reasons Lance holds an A rating from the NRA.


Per Everytown for Gun Safety, these are Lance’s NRA ratings dating back to 2012:

NJUS HousePrimary2012Leonard LanceRA-

NJUS HouseGeneral2012Leonard LanceRA-

NJUS HousePrimary2014Leonard LanceRA

NJ US HouseGeneral2014Leonard LanceRA

NJ US HousePrimary2016Leonard LanceRA

NJ US HouseGeneral2016Leonard LanceRA

“Tom Malinowski is committed to the common sense gun violence prevention measures that a majority of Americans support. Comprehensive universal background checks, age minimums for purchasing firearms, and reinstating the federal Assault Weapons Ban” said Colston Reid, Malinowski’s Campaign Manager. “Leonard Lance has opposed these steps at every turn. How many more children have to go to school afraid before we have a Congress willing to step up and demand action?”

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