Latinas Vote New Jersey

Latinas Vote New Jersey

NEWARK - Latinas United For Political Empowerment PAC (LUPE PAC) and UnidosUS Action Fund (formerly known as the National Council of La Raza) will host a press conference regarding the general election and the organizations’ efforts to mobilize Latina Voters to the polls. You will hear updates on the 2018 election cycle and how the election results will impact the Latino community.

Unidos Action Fund is one of the largest Latino fighting for Latino communities across the country.

WHO : Janet Murguia, President of UnidosUS Action Fund; Patricia Campos, President, LUPE PAC; State Senator Nellie Pou; State Senator Teresa Ruiz; Mayor Wilda Diaz, Perth Amboy; and Make the Road Action Activist, Giovanna Castaneda.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 11 a.m.

WHERE: At the Union Hall of Service Employees International Union 570 Broad Street, 10th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102

RSVP: Cristina Pinzon at or call (908) 447-3964 


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