Latino Action Network Annual Conference Featured Senator Menendez

Latino Action Network Annual Conference
Featured Senator Menendez

NEWARK-The Latino Action Network [LAN] hosted its annual conference on Saturday where Senator Bob Menendez addressed attendees about the need to defend Dreamers from deportation.

“The only flag they’ve saluted is the American flag. The only national anthem they know is the Star-Spangled Banner,” Menendez said.

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Comgressman Frank Pallone also spoke on the need to help undocumented immigrants.

The conference featured panels led by community leaders discussing many of the pressing issues facing Latinos in New Jersey including immigration, voting rights, worker’s rights, housing, poverty, Latino youth activism, education, environmental justice, and criminal justice reform.

“With a new Governor, we were eager to discuss many of the issues of importance to our communities,” said Christian Estevez, President of the Latino Action Network. “We are happy to emerge from eight years of neglect under former Governor Christie. Immigration is not our only issues. All issues are Latino issues.”

Freeholder Carlos Pomares welcomed LAN to Essex County, noting that Latinos make up 22 percent of the county’s population.

The LAN Legislative Conference is the largest gathering of Latino community organizers and public policy advocates in New Jersey. This year’s conference was attended by over 350 activists from every corner of the state.
LAN is a broad, statewide coalition of Latino organizations dedicated to political empowerment, the promotion of civil rights, and the elimination of disparities in the areas of education, health, and employment. It was founded in 2009.

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