Latino Action Network Commends Passage of  Financial Aid Bill for Dreamers

Latino Action Network Commends Passage of
 Financial Aid Bill for Dreamers

TRENTON -- The Latino Action Network (LAN) praised the New Jersey Assembly for passing legislation that makes Dreamers eligible for college financial aid and scholarships offered by the State of New Jersey.

Assembly Bill A-3467 passed by a 49 to 24 vote. Members of the Latino Action Network organized a statewide campaign in the last week in an effort to secure the necessary votes. The New Jersey Senate passed the bill on March 25.

“I commend Legislators in the Assembly voting for this bill. It is a great victory for our community,” said LAN President Christian Estevez. “I look forward to seeing Governor Murphy sign this bill into law thereby creating a brighter future for hundreds of deserving students.”

“By passing this legislation, New Jersey has directly challenged the message of anger and bigotry emanating from the Trump Administration in Washington,” Estevez added. “It says that we are a state that welcomes immigrants and embraces diversity.”

The bill was sponsored by Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Passaic), Annette Quijano (D-Union), Mila Jasey (D-Essex, Morris), and Raj Mukherji (D-Hudson).

In 2013 LAN worked with students to push for the passage of legislation that provided for both In-State Tuition and Financial Aid for Dreamers. While In-State Tuition became law, the financial aid portion was vetoed by then Governor Christie.

The bill now goes to Governor Murphy’s desk for signature. If all falls into place Dreamers will be eligible for New Jersey financial aid in time for September and the start of the new semester.

“Dreamers deserve the same benefits as those who like them have been raised in New Jersey and are loyal to our country,” said Estevez.

LAN is a broad, statewide coalition of Latino organizations dedicated to political empowerment, the promotion of civil rights, and the elimination of disparities in the areas of education, health, and employment. It was founded in 2009.

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