Latino Action Network Foundation hails investments in Latina job training, mental health services

The Latino Action Network Foundation has issued the following statements hailing historic investments aimed at Latino community empowerment and mental health included in this year’s state budget:

We would like to applaud Governor Murphy and the state Legislature for including more than $4 million in investments toward the state’s Hispanic Women’s Resource Centers in this year’s state budget. These centers enable trusted community partners to tackle the wage gap confronting Hispanic women by providing job training, English language-learning opportunities and access to mental health care. With the biggest wage gap of any demographic group, empowering Latina women lifts up our entire community and makes all of New Jersey more economically prosperous. We look forward to working with the governor, our legislative partners and community leaders in using these additional resources to deepen our services offerings and help more families in towns across our state.

– ¬Dr. Jesselly De La Cruz, Executive Director, Latino Action Network Foundation

Today’s victory for the Latino community is a direct result of the strong partnerships we have forged with Governor Murphy and our champions in the Legislature, who understand that investing in the Latino community’s economic empowerment is critical in building a more equitable and prosperous New Jersey. This year’s allocation to Hispanic Women’s Resource Centers represents a historic investment. I would like to especially thank Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex) and Senator Nellie Pou (D-Passaic), who as chair of the Latino Caucus galvanized support for these investments from caucus members in both legislative chambers. We look forward to continuing to work with them as we work to expand services for the largest community of color in New Jersey.

– Dr. Frank Argote-Freyre, Chairman, Latino Action Network Foundation

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