Latino Action Network Opposes Carve-outs in New Jersey Minimum Wage Bill

For Immediate Release: December 7, 2018
Christian Estevez, President – 973-418-7012
Daniel Ulloa, Vice President of Communications – 908-421-1422

Latino Action Network Opposes Carve-outs in New Jersey Minimum Wage Bill

NEWARK: The Latino Action Network [LAN] criticized the weak $15 an hour minimum wage bill introduced yesterday and set to be debated Monday by the Assembly Labor Committee.

The bill excludes youth workers, farm workers, seasonal workers, and those who work for a small business.

Latino workers are overly represented among those workers excluded from a raise, especially farm and tipped workers.

“While LAN is happy to see movement on raising the minimum wage, we remain opposed to these carve-outs,” said LAN President Christian Estevez.

The bill excludes small business employees which is ridiculous when a majority New Jerseyans work for business with less than 10 employees.

“Youth carve-outs have a devastating effecting on Latino working families,” said Estevez. “For many Latino families, the money teenagers bring home helps provide for their family’s necessities.”

LAN was founded in 2009 to fight for political empowerment and defend civil rights.

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