Latino Action Network Vows Support for Senator Menendez: Urges Justice Department to Drop Case
Christian Estevez, President
Javier Robles, Executive Vice President
Contact: Daniel Ulloa, Communications Coordinator
Latino Action Network Vows Support for Senator Menendez:
Urges Justice Department to Drop Case
The Latino Action Network [LAN] today announced its support for US Senator Robert Menendez in the aftermath of a mistrial on federal corruption charges.On Thursday, a jury overwhelming found insufficient evidence to convict the long-time Senator.
“Our community needs his voice in the Senate to fight for our immigrant communities that are under constant attack by the Trump Administration,” said LAN President Christian Estevez. “New Jersey needs his leadership and his advocacy. For years, Senator Menendez has been a powerful voice for the working poor and disenfranchised.”
Estevez continued: “It is obvious from the reaction of jurors that the Justice Department case against Senator Menendez was flawed from the outset. A retrial would be a waste of taxpayer funds.”
During the trial Senator Menendez received bipartisan support from his US Senate colleagues. Both Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) testified on his behalf as character witnesses.
Javier Robles, Executive Vice President of the Latino Action Network, noted that Senator Menendez has "always been responsive to the needs of his constituents." He added: "It is time for him to get back to the serious job of fighting for the people of New Jersey."