Latino Caucus Condemns Comedian’s Racist Remarks Against Puerto Ricans at Trump Campaign Rally
October 28, 2024, 12:58 pm | in
Latino Caucus Condemns Comedian’s Racist Remarks Against Puerto Ricans at Trump Campaign Rally
Trenton – Members of New Jersey’s Legislative Latino Caucus put out the following joint statement in response to the remarks made by comedian Tony Hinchcliffe against Puerto Ricans at a campaign rally for Donald Trump at Madison Square Garden:
“The disgusting, despicable and racist remarks targeting Puerto Ricans and others made by comedian Tony Hinchcliffe at the New York campaign rally for Donald Trump are unacceptable at a campaign event or any other public forum.
“As American citizens, Puerto Ricans have served this country with honor and dignity for several decades, have given their lives on foreign fields and have long strived towards the American dream, paying their taxes and exercising their right to vote.
“Any attempt to have these contributions tarnished by the repugnant remarks made by a comedian in an attempt to win votes is beyond abhorrent; it goes against everything America stands for.”