LD 22 General Assembly Candidates Fabrizio & Quattrocchi Believe Sen. Bob Menendez “Hudson County’s Golden Boy” Should Resign NOW
September 25, 2023
For Immediate Release
Linden/Clark - GOP Candidates Lisa Fabrizio and Patricia Quattrocchi think it is way past time for Senator Bob Menendez to resign his elected position.
“It appears that Mr. Menendez has pulled off the only Hat Trick in Congressional history by being investigated for corruption 3 times“ the candidates stated.
1) News reports show that in 2006 he was under federal investigation on suspicion of steering Federal Funds to a non-profit that was renting a house he owned in Union City. Considered a conflict of interest the investigation was closed in 2011 without any charges and the senator said that the House Ethics Committee told him it was not a conflict. He did lash out against the anonymous complainers.
2) The April 2, 2015 edition of TIME speaks of Menendez being investigated and indicted on 14 counts; including bribery and conspiracy for allegedly accepting close to $1million in gifts from whom he referred to as an ‘old friend.’ The trial ended in a hung jury which Menendez announced meant that he was totally vindicated of any wrongdoing. He supposedly queried “since when is it against the law to take gifts from a friend?” (A hung jury simply means that the jury could not reach a unanimous verdict and the judge could schedule a retrial if the prosecution requested. They did not and he was not fully vindicated as he claims.)
3) The newest indictment of Sen. Menendez and his wife occurred on Friday 9/22/2023. These new charges claim that he and his wife received bribes including gold bars, piles of cash hidden in his jacket pockets, downpayment for a luxury car, mortgage payments and more in exchange for favors done for 3 businessmen and the Egyptian government. It has been reported that DNA was found on the gold and envelopes containing the cash that the businessmen handed over.
“The time has come for Senator Menendez to step aside and resign from his Senate seat and let New Jersey have the representation that the residents deserve. They need someone in the seat that has integrity who they can trust.” Both candidates agreed and went on to say “perhaps he needs to pay heed to a quote attributed to Pres. Harry Truman. If you need a friend in Washington DC you should get a dog”.