LD16 Democrats: District 16 Republican Assembly Candidates Surrender to Divisiveness and Fear Mongering


Austin Lyle, Campaign Manager




District 16 Republican Assembly Candidates Surrender to Divisiveness and Fear Mongering

October 31st 2017


In the closing days of the race, the District 16 Republican Assembly candidates have abandoned any pretext of an issues-based campaign in favor of echoing their gubernatorial nominee’s discredited anti-immigrant scare tactics.


“I’m confident that voters in our district will reject the Trump playbook,” Assemblyman Zwicker said. “These attacks rely on a false narrative of division, when people in our district need representatives who can come together to resolve school funding, create good jobs, and build a strong economy.”


An online video paid for by the Hunterdon County Republican Committee suggests that Assemblyman Zwicker supports policies regarding immigrants that would threaten public safety.


“Assemblyman Zwicker stands strongly for prosecuting all crimes to the full extent of the law,” said Austin Lyle, campaign manager for the reelection of Assemblyman Zwicker and the election of Laurie Poppe to the State Senate and Roy Freiman to the Assembly. “What this ad really says is that Donna Simon and Mark Caliguire have no ideas for holding the line on property taxes, funding our schools, rebuilding New Jersey’s transportation system, or protecting women’s health. They offer four more years of Chris Christie’s failure to make New Jersey more affordable.”


Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno has been heavily criticized by numerous state news organizations for her distorted claims that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy’s policies would protect immigrants who commit serious crimes.


“Assemblyman Zwicker will stick with his message of optimism and deciding issues based on facts,” Lyle said. “His opponents must feel they have no hope other than to undercut the reality of his record serving the district and his vision of a thriving New Jersey with a strong economy where all families can build a future.”



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