LD16 GOP candidates Simon and Caliguire to Rutgers President: “Give us a break”
Simon and Caliguire to Rutgers President: “Give us a break”
Somerville, New Jersey - Yesterday, Donna Simon and Mark Caliguire – Republican candidates for General Assembly in the 16th Legislative District – sent a letter to President Robert Barchi of Rutgers University calling for the immediate waiver of the new student fees and mandated course on so-called ‘micro-aggressions’ reported to be taking place on campus.
“Instead of focusing on making college more affordable for New Jersey families, Rutgers is making it less affordable by letting political correctness run amok,” said Caliguire, a Somerset County Freeholder.
Simon and Caliguire also called on their opponents, Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker and Roy Freiman, to join them in pressuring Rutgers to change its policy.
“As a college professor, Andrew Zwicker should know firsthand that rigorous debate and free expression – not coddling and safe spaces – will best prepare students for the future in an increasingly competitive global economy,” continued Caliguire.
“Bullying is never acceptable, but neither is censorship that prevents people of differing viewpoints from being able to speak to one another. Moreover, forcing college students and their parents to endure another fee increase - this one in the name of political correctness - is wrong,” concluded Simon. “Colleges should be searching for way to lower tuition and fees, not increase them.”
Attached: Letter to Robert Barchi: read here
Contact: Anthony Ranucci, 609-709-2593, Manager@RightDirectionNJ.com
Chris Russell, 609-731-0770, crussell@chrisrussellconsulting.com