LD16 GOP: LD16 Democrats: They’ll Do Whatever it Takes to Get Elected

LD16 Democrats: They’ll Do Whatever it Takes to Get Elected
For Immediate Release
Branchburg, NJ - In response to the LD16 Democrat Team’s statement on the federal indictment of Senator Bob Menendez.
The LD16 Republican team offered the following statement:
“We find it amusing that in 2018, Andrew Zwicker and Roy Freiman stood beside Bob Menendez, even after he was brought up on similar corruption charges. Suddenly, they have a change of heart.”
“Zwicker and Freiman seem to have a pattern of supporting things, and then changing their mind when it shows their re-election is in danger. Whether it was proudly voting for the S-2 School Funding Formula that has devastated our schools with millions of dollars in funding cuts and now suddenly saying it’s flawed, or this current situation with Senator Menendez, Zwicker, Freiman and Drulis will do whatever it takes to get elected.”
“It is time to put an end to political opportunists like Zwicker, Freiman and Drulis who care only about themselves and their elections, and elect a team that will put the people of the 16th District first, and politics second.”