LD38 Assembly Candidates Wolf and Leonard Express Concern Over Tim Eustace's Foreign Travel Paid for By Special Interest Donors

LD38 Assembly Candidates Wolf and Leonard Express Concern Over Tim Eustace's Foreign Travel Paid for By Special Interest Donors
SADDLE BROOK, NJ - District 38 State Assembly Candidates Chris Wolf and Bill Leonard this morning condemned the questionable use of campaign funds earlier this year by Incumbent Assemblyman Tim Eustace.
Reports aggregated from financial disclosure filings coupled with social media postings by both Assemblyman Tim Eustace and Chief of Staff Christopher Hillman, it was brought to light that the two embarked on sightseeing/diplomatic tour through the United Arab Emirates and Nepal in March of this year.
"While New Jerseyans are drowning in their property taxes and the high cost of living in our state, Tim Eustace found an excuse to leave all of our problems behind in exchange for an excursion through South East Asia.” said Chris Wolf, a pastor, community leader and candidate for Assembly in the 38th District.
“While it’s typically beneficial for representatives of the United States to venture on goodwill trips to troubled regions of the globe - which seems to be the excuse for his travel - it’s hard to connect why Assemblyman Eustace felt it appropriate as a State Legislator, who should be focused on New Jersey issues, to meet with diplomats half way around the world.”
According to filings with the Election Law Enforcement Commission, the flights to Nepal cost the Eustace Campaign approximately $3,100, on top of a $167.97 taxi fare to the airport. While out of the country, Tim Eustace and his staffer, who are responsible for representing 13 towns in northern New Jersey, enjoyed dinner in Dubai while awaiting their flight home, the meal costing over $200.
All expenses were paid for out Tim Eustace’s re-election campaign account, meant for disbursements pertaining to his electoral efforts within Bergen and Passaic Counties.
“While most working-class families in the 38th District are struggling to save enough to take a modest vacation, Tim Eustace didn’t hesitate to use funds he received from the special interests to go on a sightseeing tour that would do nothing to serve the same hard-working families who elected him.” Charged Bill Leonard, Glen Rock Councilman and Assembly Candidate in the 38thDistrict.
“This kind of reckless spending and lack of focus on the important issues that directly affect our residents is not what the 38th District needs as we’re struggling to pay our property tax bills.”
Bill Leonard and Chris Wolf are running for Assembly in New Jersey’s 38th Legislative District to serve the interests of their district. Their number one priority is tax relief for the residents of Bergen and Passaic Counties. To find out more about their campaigns, visit them atwww.facebook.com/WolfForNJAssembly and www.facebook.com/LeonardForAssembly

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