LD4 GOP Challengers Mock Coughlin SuperPAC, Moriarty Tax Record
The following statement is from LD4 Senate GOP Challenger Chris Del Borrello, and Assembly GOP challengers Matt Walker and Amanda Esposito in response to a POLITICO report this morning about a new Super PAC launched by Middlesex County Democrats to defend the non-existent “StayNJ” program and prop up weak politicians like Paul Moriarty.
“This is perfect – a dark money Super PAC that doesn’t release where its funding comes from, promoting a government program about a tax cut that currently doesn’t have any money to pay for it!, As we’ve said from the beginning, if career politician Paul Moriarty and his running mates truly believe in cutting taxes for seniors – like we do – then why wait? Start the ‘StayNJ’ program right now and give seniors the relief they need. Lord knows they need it after having Moriarty raise their taxes for 17 years.”
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