LD4 GOP Challengers Slam Moriarty Orsted Bailout, Failure to Deliver for District

September 26, 2023, Fourth Legislative District – LD4 GOP challengers Chris Del Borrello, Matt Walker and Amanda Esposito pressed incumbent Assemblyman Paul Moriarty to explain why he chose to be the prime sponsor of a $1 billion ratepayer-funded bailout for a foreign corporation like Orsted yet couldn’t deliver as much as $1 dollar to his constituents in a $54 billion state budget.

Yesterday, Del Borrello criticized Moriarty and his legislative office mates for failing to deliver even one dollar in direct funding for 4th Legislative District municipalities.  Today, Del Borrello kept up the pressure.

“After 17 years in Trenton, Paul Moriarty’s priorities are all screwed up.  He’s lost touch with the working families, seniors, and small business people he is supposed to represent,” said Del Borrello.  “How else can you explain writing the law (A-5651) that bails out a foreign, offshore windmill company, while failing to deliver even one dollar of state funding through the budget process for his own constituents?  I think the Assemblyman owes us all an explanation.”

Del Borrello’s Assembly running mates, Matt Walker and Amanda Esposito doubled down on the criticism.  “Let’s be honest here – Paul Moriarty and the state got taken for a ride by Orsted,” said Walker.  “Just two months after he hands these guys a $1 billion tax subsidy with ratepayer money, they turn around and threaten to walk any way unless they get even more handouts at our expense,” said Walker.  “It’s really outrageous.”

Esposito, reacting to comments by Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind’s CEO, added: “Not only is Orsted threatening to leave, but now other wind companies are warning they will do the same unless they get their slice of the corporate welfare pie.  What is Paul Moriarty’s plan now?  More corporate handouts?  Yet, while he’s willing to lavish these multi-billion-dollar companies with our money, he can’t bother to deliver even one penny of relief to local taxpayers in an otherwise bloated state budget.”

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