Leadership Alliance New Jersey: Big Pharma Boss Hugin Refuses to Take a Stand on Kavanaugh Assault Claims

Big Pharma Boss Hugin Refuses to Take a Stand on Kavanaugh Assault Claims

(Lyndhurst) – Big Pharma Boss Bob Hugin, whose company gouged cancer patients by charging $700 for a life-saving drug that costs 65 cents to produce, this week refused to take a stand on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, saying that he had no reason to “disbelieve” the judge who has been accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in high school.

“As a senator, Bob Hugin would have to cast a vote that would tell the people of New Jersey whether he stands with women who have credibly accused powerful men of assault and harassment or whether he would support a Trump nominee who repeatedly lost his temper and lied during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on matters great and small,” said Leadership  Alliance New Jersey* Executive Director Julie Roginsky.  “The women of this state and the men who support them deserve more than a senate candidate who refuses to take a stand on one of the biggest issues facing our nation today.”

Hugin, who has funded his campaign through profits he made at the expense of cancer patients, said that while he was not afraid “of making judgements” refused to back Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s account that Judge Kavanaugh and a friend sexually assaulted her at a house party in the early 1980’s. Hugin also said that he had “no reason to disbelieve anybody” who testified under oath at last week’s hearing.

“Bob Hugin can’t have it both ways,” Roginsky said.  “Only one person testifying at that Senate Judiciary Committee could be telling the truth about whether Dr. Blasey Ford was sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh. Sadly, those of us who thought we had come a long way since the days of Anita Hill being reviled by a bunch of male senators never anticipated that Bob Hugin would want to join the same Senate Republicans who refuse to stand with a brave woman who risked her life and reputation to tell her truth.”

An earlier version of this press release hadn't included the word Leadership in the Super PAC's name, which is Leadership Alliance New Jersey.  Leadership New Jersey is the former name of the non-partisan leadership development organization Lead New Jersey, which is headed by President Mark Murphy and Vice President Jennifer Bredehoft.

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