The League of Humane Voters of New Jersey is Honored to Endorse Steve Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City


Contact:   Angi Metler 973-764-2363

October 23, 2017


The League of Humane Voters of New Jersey

is Honored to Endorse Steve Fulop for Mayor of Jersey City


Mayor Fulop has demonstrated a solid commitment to animal protection issues in New Jersey. He helped initiate the toughest wild animal circus ban in the state by banning them on both public and private property. His passion for helping wild animals forced to perform in traveling shows was the driving force behind Jersey City's ban of this cruelty. From animals who suffer in circuses to companion animals, Fulop is the compassionate choice for Jersey City.


"I am incredibly proud to have received this endorsement from the New Jersey League of Humane Voters, and I look forward to continuing to work together with an organization that plays such an important role in fighting for animal protection laws throughout our state," said Mayor Fulop. "We have taken important steps in Jersey City to implement animal protection laws. From creating a healthier pets program that offers discounts to local vets, to providing free rabies and distemper shots at events throughout the city, to working to ban circuses that force animals to perform, we have committed to building an animal-friendly Jersey City."


Mayor Fulop has specifically overseen the following pro-animal initiatives:

  • Jersey City has a program for healthier pets- For those that have their dogs licensed—they get discounts to local vets.
  • Jersey City provides free rabies & distemper shots in separate events/locations in every part of city
  • From 2013-2015 Jersey City had funding to support spay & neutering
  • Jersey City works with neighborhood organizations using social media to disseminate info
  • Jersey City has a model trap neuter-release programming for feral cats across the city
  • Jersey City has increased the LHS to encompass 24/7 Animal Control & sheltering. The expanded contract allows us to move with the trends


LOHV-NJ works for animal protection by:

  • Lobbying for animal-friendly laws on the local and state level;
  • Campaigning for candidates who support animal protection;
  • Showing politicians that they must take animal protection issues seriously — because thousands of our members do — and we vote;
  • Being the political voice for all animals in New Jersey — cats and dogs, wildlife, and all animals who suffer from abuse and exploitation; and,
  • Showing that animal advocates are the largest voting bloc in the state.

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