Leanna Mullen Receives National Recognition; Named a Bold Progressive Champion by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Leanna Mullen Receives National Recognition
Named a Bold Progressive Champion by the Progressive Change Campaign
October 19, 2017 — Leanna Mullen, who is running for Mullica Township Committee in
Atlantic County, NJ, was named a 2017 Champion by the Progressive Change Campaign
Committee, which recognizes candidates from around the country who are fighting for
progressive priorities and looking out for the needs of everyday families. Over 50
candidates have been named 2017 Champions nationally.
“Our 2017 Champions across the country are committed to solving big problems affecting
their communities,” said Kait Sweeney, the Press Secretary for the Progressive Change
Campaign Committee. “Selected for their bold vision, these candidates are highly capable
leaders ready to make change.”
"The candidates on our Champions List are running great campaigns powered by the
grassroots, not corporate interests," said Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive
Change Campaign Committee. "We're proud to support them as they take power back for
their communities and turn big ideas into action."
“We have to start with talking with our neighbors” said Mullen. “It’s not about a face on a
sign. It’s about seeing them in person, taking notes, and showing that you care. Shoe
leather and clipboards win elections, and that is what I’m set out to do on November 7th!”
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is a million-member grassroots
organization building power at the local, state, and federal levels, and advocating for
economic populist priorities like expanding Social Security, debt-free college, Wall Street
reform, and the public option. The PCCC has raised millions of dollars to support
progressive candidates, including $1.1 million to support Elizabeth Warren’s Senate run in
2012. Find out more at BoldProgressives.org.
For more information about this release, or about Leanna Mullen, contact the campaign
through her campaign website, mullenformullica.com, or email mullicademocrats@gmail.com.