A Letter to the City Council from Plainfield Council President Charles McCrae
Dear PDCC Members,
“One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it
becomes an emergency.”—Arnold Glasow
A leader’s position is never easy. It is impossible to please all the people, all the time
and you open yourself to criticism from opponents and allies alike.
When we elect leaders, we choose someone whose views most closely align with ours,
we choose someone whose judgement we trust, we choose someone who we think will
make good decisions on behalf of the many.
The least we owe someone when we place them in a position of leadership is the
benefit of the doubt especially when all circumstances behind a decision have not been
discussed in detail.
The very harsh and public criticism, and disavowal of Mayor Mapps recent decision to
endorse Senator Scutari for UCDC chair by some PDCC members was distasteful to say
the least. It indicates to me, that some only want a leader as long as he or she will do
what they want.
I believe given the circumstances and choices available that Mayor Adrian Mapp, Chair
of the PDCC made a decision in Plainfield’s best interest when he decided to support
Senator Scutari for chair of the Union County Democratic Organization. In so doing he
essentially recognized a problem before it became a crisis.
The City of Plainfield is currently undergoing a renaissance. This renaissance has been
effectively led by Mayor Mapp who has displayed great leadership by choosing a talented
group of people as administrators to work with him to convert Plainfield’s
potential from promising to successful. The City now has an excellent bond rating,
significant reduction in crime, increased property valuations throughout the City
and development occurring in all parts of the City. However, it is important to note that
the continued progression of Plainfield requires the support of the County, State
and the Federal Governments. Politics is deeply intertwined and Plainfield is not
an island. It required building alliances and forging relationships outside of
Plainfield to get us this far and we continue to be impacted by politics throughout the
State of New Jersey.
As Plainfield leaders make decisions regarding who they should support they must first
think of the potential strengths that those individuals or organizations have and how
their influence can positively impact the growth of the City of Plainfield. As the mayor
of Plainfield and the chair of the Democratic Party in Plainfield it would be a
dereliction of duty and grave incompetence for Mayor Mapp to choose to support
someone who does not have the power or influence to positively impact the continued
growth of Plainfield. When making these decisions one has to put self interest first and
think of the benefits that Plainfield will derive. Mayor Mapp would be committing
an act of political and economic malfeasance by choosing to squander Plainfield’s
strategic advantage of being one of the largest voting blocs in the county of Union on
someone who resides on an island surrounded by Scotch
Plains. This is about getting the best deal for Plainfield and it always has to be about
We as a City need County and State support that is both financial and political in nature
to improve the economic and political fortunes for all Plainfielders. We cannot make
decisions that will place us at a political and financial disadvantage to please someone who
is incapable of defending us and lack the power and influence that can actually be beneficial
to this City. Plainfield cannot afford to be relegated to a secondary position by those who
are less influential and have nothing to offer us. We have fought hard to be in a
position to negotiate with those who can be beneficial to us. Our relationships as a city
must be strategic. We cannot afford to align ourselves with someone who when that
person loses the battle for leadership will not be in a position to assist us and may
most likely not care about the horrendous price we will pay for choosing poorly.
Pragmatism is often seen as crude by those who have the luxury of being able to
pontificate and who have much treasure so they can afford more mistakes. Mayor Mapp
has to place Plainfield first; placing Plainfield first means making the wise decision to
align Plainfield with those who can provide true value to this City in exchange for the
support that we are offering; a value that will come back politically and financially
to the City of Plainfield.
We cannot afford a simple thank you or an occasional smile or visit from someone. We
need solid appreciation for what we are offering as a City. We need strategic
relationships that enhance our status as one of the largest voting blocs in Union
Mayor Adrian Mapp is making the wise choice here and he is leading as he was chosen
to do. At no time did he imply that his endorsement represented the opinion of
every member of the PDCC, but he gave his personal support as he has a right to do. He
is passing the leadership tests as so brilliantly stated by Ken Kesey, “You don't lead
by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making
a case.” —Ken Kesey
As for myself, I like others who have been vocal about their choices will choose to
endorse the candidate that I think will advance Plainfield’s interests. With that being
said I throw my support for the UCDC chair position behind Senator Nick Scutari.
Plainfield First, always.
Charles L. McRae
Council President
Plainfield City Council