Letter: Sanford Accepts Einstein Debate Challenge
Debate Challenge Accepted
Dear Editor,
In response to Mr. Einstein’s recent editorials published by Hudson County View, I accept his
challenge to a public debate. If Mr. Einstein wants to debate a Hoboken City official then he can
debate me anytime anywhere!
For the past 7 years, I’ve volunteered without pay to serve as a Commissioner on the Board of
the Hoboken Housing Authority (HHA). As a member of the HHA Board it is my responsibility
to promote the interests of the HHA and provide thousands of residents with affordable housing.
In 2015, I hired Executive Director Recko and worked with him to bring sound and effective
management to our facilities. Together we have worked to heal the wounds of past
mismanagement. I am proud of both my record and my service to Hoboken.
In contrast, I ask the residents of Hoboken to consider Mr. Einstein’s “experience and service.”
In the several years that Mr. Einstein has lived in our city has he ever served our community on
any number of Hoboken’s municipal boards? From what dearth of governing experience does he
draw upon to promote his uninformed opinions or launch attacks upon our community? What is
his record in helping to make Hoboken a better place to live?
As Vice Chair of the HHA I swore an oath to promote and safeguard the interests of public
housing in our city. All residents in Hoboken will be affected by NY Waterway’s plans for the
dry dock. We can engage in a thoughtful public discourse of the issues; however, Mr. Einstein’s
rhetoric is unfair. By calling his opponents thieves he seeks to dismiss the arguments of people
who sincerely believe that NY Waterway’s plans are simply not in the best interest of the city.
Mr. Einstein has repeatedly voiced his commitment to NY Waterway and his lack of support for
the people of Hoboken and a better waterfront. Yet, Mr. Einstein offers no alternative solutions
to the current debate. Instead he engages in demagoguery to promote his own agenda. He calls
Hoboken’s mayor, city council, and people thieves for engaging in a lawful and constitutional
process instead of debating the substance of the issue. Mr. Einstein owes the people of Hoboken
an apology.
Therefore, if Mr. Einstein, “...truly believes in his cause, he will rise to the challenge and accept
this invitation to have a public debate...” As a Hoboken public official I stand ready to accept
Mr. Einstein’s challenge to engage in a public debate. If not, then Mr. Einstein should apologize.
James Sanford
Vice Chair
Hoboken Housing Authority