LGBTQ Dems: Pride Month 2020

As we close out Pride Month 2020, we remind you to vote this November. The Advocate, America’s oldest and largest LGBTQ+ publication, has announced its support for Vice President Biden, stating, “Biden is running on the most pro-LGBTQ+ platform of any major-party nominee in the history of the United States”. In his plan for LGBTQ+ equality, Vice President Biden promises to make enactment of the Equality Act during his first 100 days as president a top legislative priority; reverse the transgender military ban as well as military policies that discriminate against people with HIV; work to end suicide among LGBTQ+ youth; end the misuse of religious exemptions to enable discrimination; address violence against LGBTQ+ people (something especially affecting transgender women of color); and more. Biden has called transgender equality the civil rights issue of our time.

Vice President Biden has a long and deep record of supporting the rights of LGBTQ+ people and those with HIV.
These are just some of the many reasons why we are voting for Joe Biden, and we hope you’ll do the same if you consider yourself an LGBTQ ally.

We can’t stress enough how important it is for New Jersey to highlight its own LGBTQ elected officials and candidates. There is still so much work to be done, as we live in a ‘Blue’ state and yet currently do not have any LGBTQ+ elected officials at the State level. In NJ CD-2, Will Cunningham, LGBTQ and BIPOC candidate is running for office and has an opportunity to make real history. Councilman Chris Hillmann, is up for re-election in Hasbrouck Heights for his Council seat. However, did you know that when he ran for Mayor last year, the incumbent attacked Chris for not having “family values? ‘. We are so proud of our Mayors such as the first-ever Intersex Mayor in the nation Betsy Driver (Flemington), Reed Gusciora (Trenton), and Julia Fahl (Lambertville). We also cannot forget our fierce and strong leaders Freeholder Rebecca Williams (Union County), Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn (Asbury Park), and Councilwoman Wartyna “Nina” Davis (Bloomfield). We also have a real opportunity to flip Freeholder seats in Monmouth with LGBTQ candidates Moria Nelson and Michael Penna and a Council seat in South Plainfield with Steve Remming. Within State government, we look up to Sue Fulton, MVC Commissioner, appointed within the Murphy Administration and we offer our sincerest thanks to Reginald Bledsoe, outgoing Newark School Boardmember for his service. These are just a few of New Jersey’s incredible and visible LGBTQ role models. We hope you will make an effort this year to support, elect, and appoint more LGBTQ at all levels of government.

This November, we urge the LGBTQ+ community and our allies to get together and make sure we advance equality for all. #BlackLivesMatter and we continue to stand in solidarity with all communities still working for equity, equality, and basic human rights.

For more information regarding the NJ LGBT Democrats, please visit:

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