Stress Importance of Identifying & Promoting Talented LGBTQ Leaders for Appointments
“Phil Murphy and Shelia Oliver have been great friends to the LGBT community,” said Chris Hillmann, Chair of the NJ LGBT Democratic Caucus. “We congratulate them on their landslide victory”.
“Shelia has been a huge advocate for the LGBTQ community in the Assembly and I am excited to be working with her in her new role as Lt. Governor and Phil as Governor to make New Jersey a better place,” said Assemblyman Tim Eustace.
"The Gubernatorial election made it known loud and clear that we value and inclusive, diverse, and progressive policies. I am excited to work with Phil and Sheila - both outstanding advocates and allies for the LGBTQ community - to bring New Jersey into a bright future,” said Assemblyman Reed Gusciora.
The caucus hopes to promote talented and hardworking candidates in the LGBTQ community to be a part of the Murphy administration.
"It is necessary to have out LGBTQ members at the table, particularly so that we have positive role models for our youth and seniors," said Babs Siperstein, Deputy Vice Chair of the New Jersey Democratic Committee and Director of GRAANJ. “By ensuring diversity, we can advance our overarching goals of reducing discrimination and expanding equality and progress across New Jersey’s social and economic landscape.”
“It will be important to work with leaders in our community to ensure LGBTQ people are included in government,” said Joe Forte, Secretary of the NJ LGBT Democratic Caucus and Director of RunProud. “When LGBTQ appointees are empowered they can significantly influence the policies and direction of agencies and the executive branch to make positive change for LGBTQ people.”
“History has shown that when LGBTQ people are empowered in decision-making roles, they can help influence leaders to push forward equality at all intersections of life,” said Hillmann.