Libertarian U.S. Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin Announces Healthcare Advisory Committee

Libertarian U.S. Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin
Announces Healthcare Advisory Committee

For Release: July 23, 2018
Contact: Theresa Yarosh 973-479-4220

Dr. Murray Sabrin whose message is Peace, Liberty and Prosperity recognizes that there are many in New Jersey and across the nation who are being burdened with escalating healthcare costs. With the passing of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and the Affordable Care Act of 2010, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) were authorized to create its Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) brackets. For those whose incomes go over the Standard Premium Income Brackets more of their Social Security Checks will be allocated toward Medicare Premiums. To effectively represent the seniors in New Jersey and around our Nation, Dr. Murray Sabrin has put together a formidable team of individuals each with their own expertise to address this ongoing issue as well as work toward creating legislation that would offer alternatives for funding both Medicare and Social Security.

Statement of Principles

We believe that healthcare is woven into the very fabric of this great nation. It impacts not only every citizen, but each state as well. By addressing and curbing the costs associated with it the overall wellbeing of our nation’s economy will continue to prosper.

• Our goal is to create educational resources on the subject of healthcare where individuals and couples will be able to properly plan for these costs today and in the future.

• Work with healthcare professionals in order to design ways to minimize the increasing costs associated with healthcare.

• Bring awareness to the growing issue surrounding the subject of how healthcare costs will impact the national and state pension systems as well as work with professionals within government, financial services and the healthcare sector to find solutions that protect pensioners.

• Design a system that is transparent, so consumers will be better equipped to make informed decisions on how their healthcare is managed.

• Explore legislative solutions that will not burden future generations to shore up both Social Security and Medicare, while preserving the commitment to current and soon-to-be beneficiaries, and provide options for young workers to take control of their future needs.

The following have accepted Dr. Murray Sabrin’s invitation to serve on his committee.

Healthcare Advisory Committee

Dr. Alieta Eck
Dr. Alieta Eck graduated from the Rutgers College of Pharmacy and the St. Louis University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and she studied Internal Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J. She has been in private practice with her husband, Dr. John Eck, in Piscataway, N.J. since 1988. Dr. Eck has been involved in health care reform since her residency and is convinced that the government is a poor provider of medical care. She testified before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress in 2004 about better ways to deliver medical care in the United States. In 2011, she testified before a Senate Health Committee chaired by Senators Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul about ways to avoid non-urgent visits to the emergency rooms. In 2003, Dr. Eck and her husband founded the Zarephath Health Center, a non-government free clinic for the poor and uninsured that currently cares for about 300 patients per month utilizing the donated services of volunteer physicians and nurses. It is only open 12 hours per week. In 2012, Dr. Eck was the President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and serves on the board of Christian Care Medi-Share, a faith-based medical cost-sharing ministry. In 2014 she was the Republican nominee for the 12th Congressional district in New Jersey. In March, 2015, she chaired a meeting of the National Physicians Coalition for Freedom in Medicine, about 30 physicians, who gathered in Washington, D.C. to draft a “One-Page Plan” to restore affordability, promote patient choice and retain quality in medical care. She spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., in June 2016 to help unveil the Wedge of Health Freedom, an initiative of the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom.

Dr. Glenn Gero
Dr. Glenn Gero, N.D., D.Sc., R.H. (AHG), M.E.S., C.L.C is a board-certified naturopathic physician, nutritionist and lifestyle counselor who has earned 3 master's degrees and two doctorates and over 20 certifications in various disciplines of natural medicine, including those in clinical nutrition, medical exercise, biofeedback, botanical medicine and holistic health coaching. Dr. Gero has completed post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School and is a member of the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He had held executive medical publishing positions with the American College of Physicians and had served as a regional vice-president of the American Heart Association. Dr. Gero has studied functional, lifestyle and natural medicine for well over 50 years. His family-oriented, holistic practice is in Clifton, NJ.

Theresa J. Yarosh, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®
Theresa Yarosh is the Founder and President of Macro Wealth Management, LLC. She has been in the financial services industry for over 20 years. She has worked closely with Dan McGrath over the last 3 years as it pertains to understanding the Impact of Healthcare Costs in Retirement. She is considered to be on the leading edge of financial planning as it pertains to the impact of healthcare costs in retirement. This specialization has given her the focus to identify what financial products in a retirement plan result in higher healthcare costs versus what financial products do not. This allows for a plan that seeks to contain and reduce ongoing healthcare costs in order to restore the purchasing power of retirement assets. She is also the Founder and President of Main Street Medigap, LLC. Main Street Medigap, LLC provides Medicare Supplement Insurance policies to seniors ages 65 and over. In addition, Main Street Medigap, LLC also consults Attorneys, Banks, CPAs, Human Resources Departments and other Financial Advisors on Medicare and its related cost structure.

Dan McGrath
Dan McGrath is the Co-Founder of Jester Financial Technologies, a firm dedicated to providing education, marketing materials and software tools for financial professionals that highlight which financial products are best suited to control healthcare costs in retirement. He is considered to be one of the country’s leading authorities on the subject of health-related costs and how these costs will impact retirement for millions of Americans. Dan has also authored the bestselling retirement planning book “What you don’t know about retirement will hurt you” as well as “Medicare: A Practical Guide to Understanding Your Health Coverage in Retirement”. He is a regular contributor to CNBC as well being an authority for U.S. News and Reports on Medicare and Social Security.


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