Linda Weber’s Statement on the Trump Administration’s Decision to End DACA

Linda Weber’s Statement on the Trump Administration’s Decision to End DACA

The Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is cruel, inhumane, and immoral. Our nation made an agreement with the DREAMers. They have met their obligations and we need to uphold ours.

It is important to remember that DACA was a direct response to the failure of Congress to do its job and fix our broken system by passing comprehensive immigration reform. It is irresponsible to punish these young adults for Congress’ failure to lead. DREAMers are contributing to our economy and serving our nation; 96% are gainfully employed or in school.

It is also extremely disturbing that this repeal comes on the heels of Trump’s decision to pardon Joe Arpaio who flagrantly broke the law by targeting and terrorizing Latino families and individuals solely on the basis of their ethnicity. The DACA repeal demonstrates an alarming pattern in the Trump administration of catering to bigots and xenophobes. The message that Donald Trump continues to send is that bigotry and divisiveness will be tolerated if it advances his political agenda. I cannot underscore how dangerous this is to our democracy and social fabric, particularly when the Republicans in Congress continue to enable this behavior. That is why I am calling on Rep. Leonard Lance and House Republicans to join Democrats in working on a comprehensive immigration reform bill that fixes our system and meets all of the commitments that were made to the DREAMers.

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