Linden Democrats Announce Full Slate of Candidates to Run with Gretchen Hickey for Mayor

Linden Democrats Announce Full Slate of Candidates to Run with Gretchen Hickey for Mayor
Incumbent Councilmembers Jorge Alvarez and Armando Medina joined by 1st Ward newcomer O’Neil Thomas
(LINDEN) Today the Linden Democratic Committee announced the endorsement of 10th Ward Councilwoman Gretchen Hickey for Mayor, along with the Re-Election of Linden Council President Jorge Alvarez, Re-Election of Linden 9th Ward Councilman Armando Medina, and 1st Ward candidate O’Neil Thomas, Jr. The team of Hickey, Alvarez, Medina and Thomas, who are running on a platform of increased public safety, fiscal responsibility, and transparency in government, will run with the [bubbleAutoLink text="support of the Linden Democratic Committee" id="28963"].
“This is a terrific and diverse field of candidates,” stated Chairman Nick Scutari. “Taxpayers in Linden deserve public servants whose sole focus is to only work in the interests of the residents they serve. With Gretchen, Jorge, Armando, and O’Neil on our Democratic ticket, Linden voters have a dynamic and talented team they can trust.”
“It’s time for progress in Linden. Residents I have spoken to are concerned about backroom deals and the lack of transparency. The fact of the matter is our city can do better. I am honored to to run for Mayor of Linden,” said Hickey, who in 2017 became the first 10th Ward Council person to win re-election in 13 years.
“The past four years have been full of missed opportunities and disappointment. We have an opportunity to bring our city together. I’m excited that Linden taxpayers finally have an opportunity to change course,” stated Council President Jorge Alvarez. “Gretchen will be a strong and effective Mayor, and I look forward to helping her get elected.”
“Running for office can be tough, but I’m eager to campaign on behalf of myself and this team,” declared Medina. “There is tremendous energy and excitement. Along with Gretchen and my running mates, I plan on focusing my energy on improving our public safety in Linden.”
“As a first time candidate for office, I’m honored by the support from the Linden Democratic Committee, Gretchen Hickey, and my fellow running mates,” said Thomas. “I’m running for office because my family and my neighbors deserve more transparency from City Hall. We deserve a stronger downtown, increased opportunities for residents, and improved public safety. I look forward to working alongside Gretchen Hickey and the rest of the Democratic team”