Linden Residents to Receive Tax Decrease


Linden Residents to Receive Tax Decrease

Linden, New Jersey (March 21, 2018) – Mayor Derek Armstead announced that Linden Residents will not be receiving a Tax Increase this year, this is something that hasn’t been done since 2006. Not only will there be no increase but there will be an actual reduction of $12.77 per household based on the assessed value on $131,700.00. In 2017 the Mayor had the garbage fee eliminated, this was a promise he made while running for Mayor in 2014. “Not only have we eliminated the garbage fee we actually managed to lower taxes, something that others said could not be done”. In January Mayor Armstead asked for what he calls a “tax holiday” and made a commitment for “Zero Increase”. He is now asking that the Linden Board of Education and Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders follow his lead. Armstead went on to say, “Our bond rating remains stable according to Moody’s and S&P. Our surplus increased from last year by $1.4million.” According to the bond rating companies Linden has a strong economy. The Mayor went on to say, “we have a number of new developments schedule to come on line which will bring in reoccurring revenues to the city in the form of taxes and PILOT programs that will be paid directly to the city. This gives us hope for future years to continue this trend.” S&P also said that Linden has a strong management and a strong budgetary performance. “We accomplished this without reducing or cutting any level of services that our residents are accustomed to”, said Mayor Armstead.

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