Lisa Mandelbatt Statement Against Proposed SALT Deduction Cuts
Lisa Mandelbatt Statement Against Proposed SALT Deduction Cuts
As New Jersey pays some of the highest state and local taxes in the country, while also getting some of the lowest rates of return on federal taxes, this would potentially be a severe blow to the pocketbooks of New Jersey families already dealing with thinly stretched budgets. According to data from New Jersey's House delegation, the average New Jersey family will see an tax increase of $3,500 annually if this proposal is implemented, while the Senate Democratic Policy and Communication Committee estimates that 1.2 million New Jerseyans will see a increase in taxes if this plan is passed.
Lisa Mandelblatt, candidate for Congress in New Jersey's 7th Congressional District has consistently opposed the eliminating SALT deductions. She reiterated her support of her taxpaying neighbors with the following statement: