Livingston Democrat Mark Dunec Endorses Bob Hugin

Livingston Democrat Mark Dunec Endorses Bob Hugin
Three Democrats in Three Weeks
MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ – Strong bipartisan support continued to grow today behind Bob Hugin’s campaign for U.S. Senate, as he received the endorsement of another prominent New Jersey Democrat, Mark Dunec of Livingston, the former 2014 Democrat candidate for Congress in the state’s 11th Congressional District.
“Bob Hugin is a refreshing antidote to the type of hyper-partisan, career politicians we have in Washington, D.C. and Trenton, N.J. He is a man of integrity, a person with a pure heart who speaks honestly and directly about what needs to be done in government. I am inspired by his commitment to cross party lines to reach a consensus to resolve the very real problems faced by our nation and state,” said Dunec. “I am urging my fellow Democrats and all voters to consider Bob Hugin for Senate and not allow today’s toxic climate of political extremism push us to blindly vote for corrupt, career politicians. We must rise above party politics and do what Bob Hugin promises to do — to do what is right for New Jersey and the American public.”
Mark Dunec is a Democratic Commissioner on the Essex County Improvement Authority and former member of the New Jersey Leadership Council and National Council of AIPAC. He is a businessman who is concerned about fiscal prudence and responsibility in government. He had served on the Livingston Township Board of Adjustments and is a former board member of the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, where he co-chaired the Institutional Advancement Committee.
Other Democrats, along with independent voters, have joined Bob Hugin for U.S. Senate. His race against the incumbent Menendez is in a dead heat, according to recent polls, which show independent voters 一 the state’s largest voting bloc 一 supporting Hugin over Menendez 37 percent to 33 percent.
“I’m heartened by the endorsements I am receiving from people such as Mark Dunec because I have made my campaign for U.S. Senate a broad appeal to people throughout New Jersey to put aside partisan politics and commit ourselves toward working together on what really matters — reigniting our economy, improving our health care, making New Jersey more affordable and rebuilding our infrastructure. Bob Menendez has been ineffective and self serving in the 25 years we have sent him to Washington. It’s time for action. It’s time to get responsible. It’s time for meaningful change,” said Bob Hugin.
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit