Newark, NJ-the Political Action Committee of the Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey (LLA-PAC) and the National Dominican American Council (NDAC) announced the official endorsement of candidate for Mayor of Newark Gayle Chaneyfield-Jenkins and her entire slate. Endorsements were announced at a press conference held at the Robert Treat Hotel (Crystal Room), 50 Park Place, Newark, NJ 07102.
Dr. Maria Teresa Montilla, President of the Latino Leadership Alliance, began her remarks by saying:
"Before announcing our endorsement today, it is very important to say that the Political Action Committee of LLANJ only endorses candidates who are committed to work with the Latino Leadership Alliance on issues impacting New Jersey diverse communities. We do not support or endorse candidates based on their party affiliation, ethnicity, gender, nationality or religious beliefs, but rather on issues, on trust, and their track records showing they are indeed doing their best for the people they have represented or would like to represent. We also take into serious consideration their record in promoting and bringing fairness, respect and inclusion in all areas of government and in the pursue of socio-economic and political endeavors.
Having said that, I stand here before you, to officially announce the Political Action Committee of the Latino Leadership Alliance decision to endorse the Central Ward Councilwoman Gayle Chaneyfield-Jenkins for Mayor of Newark.
On Sunday, February 11, 2018, Gayle submitted to a rigorous interview at the Rutgers School of Law, as did all the candidates seeking our endorsement. She came to a room full of diverse Latino leaders and members of the LLANJ's Political Action Committee and the National Dominican American Council, and answered to satisfaction all questions posed to her, particularly, her genuine position and inclusion about all residents of Newark in its government.
We were pleased to learn that her slate, Leadership through integrity, included leaders resembling the diverse people of Newark.
Her slate includes: Hector Corchado for Councilman at-Large; he will continue fighting for all of us. Ariagna Perello for Councilwoman at-Large; she will fight for inclusion and to make Newark better for everyone. Bessie Walker for Councilwoman at-Large; she will represent everyone because for her, people come first. Crystal Fonseca for the East Ward; she is poised to make sure people are properly represented in the municipal government. Rashon Hasan for the Central Ward; he will bring downtown to uptown where the people need development the most. Mecca Keyes for the West Ward; she will fight hard for the people, and it is good to know that Mecca is unstoppable. And Katilia Velez for the North Ward; she is convinced that with Velez everything is possible;; 'with Velez, si se puede'.
On behalf of the Latino Leadership Alliance's Political Action Committee, I present to each one of them and as a team, our unwavering support for their respective candidacies. Take a look at them, six women and two men showcasing the actual people of Newark. With Chaneyfield- Jenkins and these fine, experienced leaders, we will transform Newark into a more prosperous, cleaner and safer city for our children, our elders, our youth, our men and women, our families, our business owners, our students, our investors and visitors.
The time has come to remove from office, selfish career politicians whose primary interest is to serve themselves and their obscure interest groups. The current administration has a plan to displace needed Newakers out of the city. Such horrible plan barely mandates 20 percent of affordable units in new housing built in the city;; in other words, incumbent mayor and council members supporting such plan are sending a clear message of depriving 80 percent of city residents in the affordable housing category, of the opportunity to have decent housing for them and their families. Gayle Chanyfield-Jenkins has been the lonely council member opposing such a sinister plan. For Gayle Chanyfield-Jenkins, Newark is for everyone...Newark es para todos, and not only for those who can afford it. We repeat out lout, "Yes...Newark is for everyone"....
Newark es para todos, and not only for those who can afford it and for a handful of politicians who have excluded the needy and Latinos in general, ignoring the fact that Latinos make up about 40% of Newark's current population. I tell you, forgetful politicians will pay the price on May 8, when a Latino frenzy will emerge like a snow ball down a mountain to crush once and for all incumbents who have betrayed Latinos and voters and the people of Newark.
We urge Latinos to come out in droves in support of Chaneyfield-Jenkins for Mayor and her slate to change Newark into a more inclusive and prosperous city. The message has to be sent to all Latinos, including those who prefer to hear it in Spanish: 'Newark es para todos.'
About LLA-PAC: The LLANJ-PAC is the Political Action Committee of The Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey, the oldest, largest and only statewide non-partisan non-profit entity composed of local, regional and state organizations, Latino leaders and professionals advocating for the socio-economic and political development of Latino diverse communities. 402 Livingston Avenue · New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Telephone (732) 214-1166 and Fax (732) 846-6667
About NDAC: The National Dominican American Council is a 501 (c) (4) political advocacy organization promoting prosperity and advocating for socio-economic and political advancement in the United States of America and its territories, including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. -