Local and County Democratic and Republican Chairs Express Support to Hoboken Small Business Community

Local and County Democratic and Republican Chairs Express Support to Hoboken Small Business Community


Below is a letter sent by the local and county Democratic and Republican Chairs to Senator Menendez, Senator Booker, and Congressman Sires. 


March 16, 2020

Dear Senator Menendez, Senator Booker, and Representative Sires,


We write today to express our support for Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla’s letter urging assistance for our local small businesses and their employees during this unprecedented time. Hoboken is a small town with a vibrant and diverse small business community. From restaurants and bars, retail stores, health and wellness facilities, our small business community is a mainstay of our mile square.


The COVID-19 pandemic presented our community with unprecedented challenges and our Mayor took proactive measures to protect the residents health and well-being. We support these efforts with a recognition of the significant toll this will take on our local small businesses and their employees. At every level, from owners to employees, this could be devastating.


As the leaders of our local partisan political parties, we may not always agree on policy, but we are in steadfast agreement on this. Hoboken needs help now.


To echo Mayor Bhalla’s words “We need the help and resources of the federal government now more than ever. [We] applaud you and your colleagues for quickly passing the bipartisan emergency relief package for free coronavirus testing, paid sick, family and medical leave, unemployment insurance, and food assistance programs. [We are] encouraged that there is already a discussion about a third legislative package, and [we] urge you in the strongest terms to include meaningful relief for our small businesses and their employees.”


Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of any assistance. Thank you again for all your hard work and leadership.



Rachel Hodes, Chair, Hoboken Democratic Party

Holly Lucyk, Chair, Hoboken GOP

Jose Arango, Chair, Hudson County Republican Committee

Amy DeGise, Chair, Hudson County Democratic Organization

[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Letter-from-Mayor-Bhalla-to-Senators-Menendez-Booker-and-Congressman-Sires-re-small-businesses-3-16-20.pdf" title="Letter from Mayor Bhalla to Senators Menendez, Booker, and Congressman Sires re small businesses 3-16-20"] [pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Letter-of-Support-for-Small-Businesses.pdf" title="Letter of Support for Small Businesses"]

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