Lonegan Blasts Gottheimer for Failing on Tax Reform The Fifth District voted for a new direction when it supported President Trump in 2016

Lonegan Blasts Gottheimer for Failing on Tax Reform
The Fifth District voted for a new direction when it supported President Trump in 2016

Hackensack, NJ -- Steve Lonegan, Republican candidate for New Jersey’s fifth congressional district, issued the following statement on the advancement of H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017:

"House Republicans took an important step forward today on President Trump's tax reform by advancing a bill that would reduce rates, simplify the tax code, and create real economic growth.

"But Josh Gottheimer voted against economic growth and voted for the status quo.

"Gottheimer has spent years working to convince North Jersey that he is a 'moderate' and a so-called 'problem-solver.'  But the truth is, Gottheimer is a liberal masquerading as a moderate who sided with Nancy Pelosi and the far left in retaining an unfair and confiscatory tax system.

"Gottheimer voted in lock-step with every Democrat in the House even while his Republican co-chairman of the so-called Problem Solvers Caucus voted to move forward with badly needed tax reform for all Americans.

"Republicans have an opportunity to pass historic tax reform.  Our Party can lower rates, decrease regulations, and even repeal the Obamacare tax which adversely affects millennials and those with lower incomes.

"By doing so, our Party would be leaders in unleashing historic economic activity and job growth that would provide opportunity and prosperity for millions of families and individuals.

"But liberal Josh Gottheimer refused to work with the House leadership to advance this bill.  His reasoning provides yet another crutch for New Jersey's out-of-date school funding formula.  Instead of calling for reform of the most inequitable system in America, Gottheimer meekly supports the status quo and willingly sacrifices the opportunity to create jobs in New Jersey -- the state with the worst business climate in America.

"New Jersey's fifth district voted for a new direction in Washington when it supported President Trump in 2016.  And, the Fifth District deserves a representative who will fight for the kind of change that will reduce taxes, slash regulations, grow the economy, and create jobs for all Americans.

"I urge Senator Menendez and Senator Booker to work with Senate Republicans to repeal the Obamacare tax and to ensure every American realizes even more savings in the next iteration of the bill."

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Common-sense conservative Republican Steve Lonegan is a loving father, grandfather, and a successful business owner who will make jobs, term limits, and lower taxes his primary focus as our next congressman. Steve is hardworking, outspoken, and dedicated to you and your family. Steve has a lifelong record of selfless public service. Steve has taken on the tough fights that few others will. Steve and his wife Lorraine (Rossi), who have been longtime parishioners of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bogota, live in Hackensack and have two adult daughters, Katharine and Brooke.

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