Lonegan calls on McCann to stand against the Star-Ledger

Lonegan calls on McCann to stand against the Star-Ledger

McCann needs to decide where he stands on MSM's condemnation of  conservatives like Littell-McHose, Garrett, Doherty, and Trump.

Hackensack, NJ -- A shamefully obsequious John McCann knelt before the Mainstream Media today to praise their hit piece on conservative Republican Steve Lonegan.  In an editorial yesterday, the Star-Ledger's duo of Tom Moran and Julie O'Connor delivered an attack on Lonegan that revealed their base contempt for all conservatives.

The Star-Ledger accused Lonegan of being "anti-gay" and, as proof, offered Lonegan's support of traditional moral values, his opposition to same-sex marriage, and the fact that he is Pro-Life on the question of abortion.  Evidently, John McCann is none of these.

If John McCann was any kind of Republican -- leave aside conservative -- he would be standing with his opponent in the June 5th  Republican primary and McCann would be loudly defending Lonegan against the same people who trash President Donald Trump on an almost daily basis.  Attacks from people like Moran and O'Connor should remind us who we are, of our commonality, and unite us in opposition to the liberal establishment that they are paid to represent.

McCann should know that the same Star-Ledger duo trashed the daughter of his campaign co-chair, Virginia Littell, and the boss of his other co-chair, Rob Pettet.  So 100 percent of the leadership of the McCann campaign has been attacked by the same Star-Ledger duo that attacked Steve Lonegan.

The Star-Ledger -- in particular this duo --  have viciously attacked President Trump, throwing every accusation in the book at him -- from racist to homophobe to sexual predator.  So how can someone like McCann, who claims to support President Trump, praise them for their serial attacks on Republicans?

Is it because John McCann is simply a Democrat shill -- as many have suggested -- who will go back to holding a Democrat patronage job once the election is over?  Or is it because he is a genuinely clueless and soulless human being?  Either way, it is time for John McCann to tell us whose side he is on:  Does he stand with his own campaign co-chairs, with other good Republicans, and with President Trump?  Or does he want to make new friends in the Mainstream Media -- far-left, establishment liberals?

Your move, John McCann.


Lonegan has already been endorsed by U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Former Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes, Corey Lewandowski, Former Trump Campaign Manager, Dave Bossie, Former Trump Campaign Deputy Campaign Manager, The Tea Party Express, Senator Gerry Cardinale, Senator Mike Doherty, Senator Joe Pennacchio, Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space, Assemblyman Hal Wirths, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, Warren County Freeholder Director Richard D. Gardner, Warren County Freeholder Deputy Director Edward J. Smith, Warren County Freeholder Jason J. Sarnoski, Sussex County Freeholder Deputy Director Sylvia Petillo, Sussex County Freeholder Herbert Yardley, Former Sussex County Freeholder Phillip Crabb, Mrs. Ann Kievit, President of the Northwest New Jersey Taxpayers' Association, Rev. Greg Quinlan, President of the Center for Garden State Families on behalf of New Jersey for a Conservative Majority, Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS), New Jersey Right to Life PAC, The Jewish Voice and Opinion, and Sussex County State Committeewoman Jill Space.

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Common-sense conservative Republican Steve Lonegan is a loving father, grandfather, and a successful business owner who will make jobs, term limits, and lower taxes his primary focus as our next congressman. Steve is hardworking, outspoken, and dedicated to you and your family. Steve has a lifelong record of selfless public service. Steve has taken on the tough fights that few others will. Steve and his wife Lorraine (Rossi), who have been longtime parishioners of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bogota, live in Hackensack and have two adult daughters, Katharine and Brooke.

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