Lonegan for Congress: Star-Ledger editorial trashed McCann chair's daughter in 2013
Star-Ledger editorial trashed McCann chair's daughter in 2013
Hackensack, NJ -- In February 2013, the same Star-Ledger duo who just called on Steve Lonegan to quit the CD05 congressional race accused Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose of being a pro-terrorist crazy. Since retired, Assemblywoman Littell McHose is the daughter of John McCann's campaign co-chair, Virginia Littell, the former State GOP Chair.
In another editorial co-written by Julie O'Connor and Tom Moran, they accused Assemblywoman Littell McHose of "protecting the right of suspected terrorists to obtain weapons." The Assemblywoman had merely pointed to the fact that there was no due process associated with getting one's name on or off the list and that the Star-Ledger itself had written editorials questioning the list's usefulness, its unreliability, and its lack of due process.
"The fact is, the Star-Ledger has a history of publishing hysteria-laced editorials that are over-the-top in the accusations they make against conservatives and Republicans," said Mike Proto, Lonegan's campaign manager. "They based their most recent attack on Steve Lonegan on the allegations of a serial crank accuser."
A lawsuit instigated by the Star-Ledger's "source" was thrown-out-of-court on the very day O'Connor and Moran informed Lonegan that they were doing the editorial. When confronted with this evidence, they ignored it and did their attack anyway, and based it on the tainted allegations.
Proto added, "Tom Moran has demanded President Donald Trump resign on numerous occasions, so why should any Republican take what he says seriously? Moran and O'Connor make it a sport to trash Republicans and demand that they disappear. To them, someone with conservative views shouldn't be allowed to hold public office."
Proto suggested that all real Republicans should unite in their disregard for anything the Star-Ledger editorial board spits out, so long as Moran and O'Connor are writing the editorials. "They thought nothing of trashing conservative mom Alison Littell McHose then and they think nothing of doing it to Steve now."
Lonegan has already been endorsed by U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Former Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes, Corey Lewandowski, Former Trump Campaign Manager, Dave Bossie, Former Trump Campaign Deputy Campaign Manager, The Tea Party Express, Senator Gerry Cardinale, Senator Mike Doherty, Senator Joe Pennacchio, Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space, Assemblyman Hal Wirths, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, Warren County Freeholder Director Richard D. Gardner, Warren County Freeholder Deputy Director Edward J. Smith, Warren County Freeholder Jason J. Sarnoski, Sussex County Freeholder Deputy Director Sylvia Petillo, Sussex County Freeholder Herbert Yardley, Former Sussex County Freeholder Phillip Crabb, Mrs. Ann Kievit, President of the Northwest New Jersey Taxpayers' Association, Rev. Greg Quinlan, President of the Center for Garden State Families on behalf of New Jersey for a Conservative Majority, Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS), New Jersey Right to Life PAC, The Jewish Voice and Opinion, and Sussex County State Committeewoman Jill Space.
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Common-sense conservative Republican Steve Lonegan is a loving father, grandfather, and a successful business owner who will make jobs, term limits, and lower taxes his primary focus as our next congressman. Steve is hardworking, outspoken, and dedicated to you and your family. Steve has a lifelong record of selfless public service. Steve has taken on the tough fights that few others will. Steve and his wife Lorraine (Rossi), who have been longtime parishioners of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bogota, live in Hackensack and have two adult daughters, Katharine and Brooke.