Lonegan: Do Menendez & Gottheimer Agree with Scarinci’s Demand to Repeal Second Amendment?

Lonegan: Do Menendez & Gottheimer Agree with Scarinci’s Demand to Repeal Second Amendment?

Hackensack, NJ -- Republican Congressional candidate Steve Lonegan today called on both Senator Bob Menendez and Congressman Josh Gottheimer to explain whether they agree with a call by a major Democratic Party power broker – and maxed out donor to both campaigns – for repealing the Second Amendment.

Lonegan made his comments after Donald Scarinci, a top advisor to Menendez for decades and maxed out Gottheimer donor, called for Second Amendment repeal as a way to allow states to “ban guns completely.”

“Bob Menendez and Josh Gottheimer have repeatedly said they don’t want to ban guns,” Lonegan said.  “But we’re seeing that those on the Left will lie about their real agenda in order to win an election – like the one about keeping our doctors.”

Lonegan, who has vowed to uphold the entire Bill of Rights, says Scarinci’s comments are what all Democrats running in 2018 really believe.

“Bob Menendez and Josh Gottheimer agree with Scarinci.  They may say they don’t want ‘full repeal’ but only to ‘modify’ the Second Amendment but it’s all exactly the same thing and I’m going to say it in my ads because it’s true,” Lonegan said.

“Republicans have been losing special elections over the past few months because they’ve been afraid to go on offense and fight back,” added the former three-term Bogota Mayor.  “But 2018 is made for someone like me.  These people don’t intimidate me because I’m going to expose their radical left agenda and make them own it.”

Lonegan and Gottheimer are running in the Fifth Congressional District seat that includes parts of Bergen, Passaic, Sussex and Warren Counties and stretches from the Hudson to the Delaware Rivers. Lonegan defeated Cory Booker in the Fifth District in 2013’s U.S. Senate Election.

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