Lonegan: Murphy Gottheimer Must "Take Stand on Menendez"
Republican Congressional candidate Steve Lonegan (NJ-5) demanded that Democrats Phil Murphy and Josh Gottheimer (Congressman, NJ-5) tell voters where they stand on the corruption trial of United States Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ). Lonegan made his statement after the Observer.com reported that Murphy was remaining "silent" on the corruption trial of Senator Menendez and that "he hasn't thought about whether a convicted Senator should leave office."
Speaking of Murphy, Lonegan said, "Here is a guy who has his mind so filled with politically correct b.s. that he can't tell us what he thinks about bald-faced corruption. This is why people are so turned off on our political process. It is a p.c. pantomime and the players don't even believe the nonsense they're saying. Meanwhile, all the important issues go to the wayside."
Lonegan added, "Josh Gottheimer is going around supporting the Murphy team and he has supported Menendez in the past. He holds high office and it is time for him to tell us what he thinks. No playing games, have the guts to tell the people of the 5th District what course of action their Senator should take if convicted. Don't be a Murphy.
Steve Lonegan is the Conservative Republican candidate running for NJ's 5th Congressional District, which includes towns in Bergen, Sussex, Warren & Passaic Counties
Fighting For Taxpayers, Steve Shares Our Values.