Lonegan Welcomes Endorsement from The Jewish Voice and Opinion
April 18, 2018, 4:59 pm | in
Lonegan Welcomes Endorsement from The Jewish Voice and Opinion
5th District Republican Candidate Reaffirms Unwavering
Support for Israel, Jewish People
Hackensack, NJ -- Mayor Steve Lonegan is announcing his latest endorsement today from The Jewish Voice and Opinion and the TheJewishVoiceAndOpinion.com, one of the world’s most influential and esteemed publications focusing on issues concerning the Jewish people.
In issuing the endorsement, Susan L. Rosenbluth, editor of The Jewish Voice and Opinion, said of Mayor Lonegan:
“Mr. Lonegan…has a long history of concern for our issues and actions that have gone well beyond the call of duty.”
“…He also has a long history of support for Israel as a Jewish state and the right of all Jews to live anywhere they choose in the state, including in the communities located in Judea and Samaria beyond the so-called ‘Green Line.’”
“We have no doubt that, in Congress, Mr. Lonegan will continue to represent us and all his Fifth District constituents just as eloquently and cogently. We urge all Republicans registered to vote in the upcoming GOP primary to cast their ballots for Mr. Lonegan.”
Mayor Lonegan issued the following statement upon receiving the endorsement:
“I am humbled and honored to receive the endorsement from The Jewish Voice and Opinion; it is an endorsement I take very seriously.”
“The recent events in Syria are another reminder of the volatility in the Middle East, and the constant threats the State of Israel faces every single day from despots across the region.
“Now more than ever, America’s commitment to the only free and democratic state in the Middle East must be unequivocal and unwavering. When I am in Congress, I can assure the Israeli people that they will have no greater friend and that I will do everything in my power to ensure the security of Israel for generations to come.”
The Jewish Voice and Opinion’s full endorsement of Mayor Lonegan can be found here.
Lonegan has already been endorsed by U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Former Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes, Corey Lewandowski, Former Trump Campaign Manager, Dave Bossie, Former Trump Campaign Deputy Campaign Manager, The Tea Party Express, Senator Gerry Cardinale, Senator Mike Doherty, Senator Joe Pennacchio, Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space, Assemblyman Hal Wirths, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, Warren County Freeholder Director Richard D. Gardner, Warren County Freeholder Deputy Director Edward J. Smith, Warren County Freeholder Jason J. Sarnoski, Sussex County Freeholder Deputy Director Sylvia Petillo, Sussex County Freeholder Herbert Yardley, Former Sussex County Freeholder Phillip Crabb, Mrs. Ann Kievit, President of the Northwest New Jersey Taxpayers' Association, Rev. Greg Quinlan, President of the Center for Garden State Families on behalf of New Jersey for a Conservative Majority, Alexander Roubian, President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS), New Jersey Right to Life PAC, The Jewish Voice and Opinion, and Sussex County State Committeewoman Jill Space.
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Common-sense conservative Republican Steve Lonegan is a loving father, grandfather, and a successful business owner who will make jobs, term limits, and lower taxes his primary focus as our next congressman. Steve is hardworking, outspoken, and dedicated to you and your family. Steve has a lifelong record of selfless public service. Steve has taken on the tough fights that few others will. Steve and his wife Lorraine (Rossi), who have been longtime parishioners of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bogota, live in Hackensack and have two adult daughters, Katharine and Brooke.