Lopez Bill to Raise Gun Violence Awareness

Lopez Bill to Raise Gun Violence Awareness

Resolution Designates June 2 of Each Year as “Gun Violence Awareness Day”


(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez is the prime sponsor of a joint resolution to raise awareness of gun violence.
The measure (AJR-100) designates June 2 of each year as “Gun Violence Awareness Day” in New Jersey in order to promote greater awareness about firearm violence and safety.
“It is imperative that we pay special attention to the harming effects of gun violence, especially in light of recent tragedies such as the Parkland school shooting,” said Lopez (D-Middlesex). “This resolution will help to concentrate attention on firearm violence in our communities as well as honor and remember all victims and survivors of firearm violence.”
There were 485 firearm related deaths in New Jersey in 2016, the sponsor noted, with a majority of those victims being under the age of 19 or women in instances of domestic violence.
“By dedicating a day to focus on gun violence and those affected by it, we are opening a dialogue among our citizens and community leaders,” said Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-Middlesex). “This will only lead to the action we so desperately need to take in order to keep our citizens safe and ultimately save lives.”
Many communities across the country already march annually on June 2 to honor the many lives cut short as a result of gun violence and to demand action to end these tragedies, according to the sponsor.

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