Lopez Statement on Advancement of Her Resolution Creating Reentry Services Commission

Lopez Statement on Advancement of Her Resolution Creating Reentry Services Commission



(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez issued the following statement Monday on the advancement of her resolution, ACR-201, out of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee, which is to establish the “Commission on Reentry Services” to examine and identify specific services that are necessary for successful reentry and to ultimately lower recidivism rates in New Jersey:


“There are so many psychological and socio-economic factors that contribute to recidivism, and the only way to truly tackle this issue and build stronger communities is to meticulously analyze why and how recidivism rates are so high.


“In the most recent study on recidivism, 77 percent of state prisoners who were released in 2005 had been arrested again by 2010.


“Our criminal justice system should stress rehabilitation rather than just punishment and retribution, and when our criminal justice system does not assist individuals on their journey home, a great disservice is done not only to those individuals, but to society at large.


“By determining what services we can provide for these individuals to assist them in their reintegration in society to ensure they never return to prison, we are building a better, stronger New Jersey.”

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