Liberty State Park Protection Bill Released from Committee in Spite of Treachery

Liberty State Park Protection Bill Released from Committee in Spite of Treachery

The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee released S3357 (Cunningham/Weinberg) today with amendments. The “Liberty State Park Protection Act” establishes the Liberty State Park Advisory Committee and requirements concerning DEP actions related to Liberty State Park. The Park, which is the terminal to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, has more than 7 million visitors a year and is one of the most visited state parks in the country. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“This bill was released today in spite of the treachery and games that were played. Developer billionaire Paul Fireman are behind the scenes lobbying and campaigning to weaken the law and put a loophole in the bill big enough to fit a bulldozer through. We need to make sure that the bill is not weakened and watered down to exempt Caven’s Point for the expansion of Liberty National Golf Club. Vigilance is the price of stewardship,” said Jeff Tittel. “This was a win today, but we still have a big fight ahead of us. Vigilance is the price of stewardship to make sure that this Millionaire’s Golf Course is not built.”

The bill would prohibit the DEP from considering any proposal to commercialize, develop, or privatize Liberty State Park, except as provided in the bill. The bill would prohibit any concession, conveyance, or lease within the 235-acre natural restoration area in the interior of Liberty State Park, and at Caven Point Peninsula.  The bill would require the DEP, within three years after the bill is enacted into law, to develop a management plan for Liberty State Park in consultation with the committee.

“In spite of attempts to block the bill today, it was released from committee. This is a park that represents both The Statue of Liberty and the gateway to our country. We have been fighting for decades to save Liberty State Park from privatization, and this bill will help further that fight. This legislation will ensure that Liberty State Park remains a place for the people of New Jersey to enjoy the outdoors,” said Tittel. “We believe that having some concessions in parks that benefit the visitors can be a good thing. However, there are four conditions: it doesn’t interfere with the park use, it’s affordable, it doesn’t hurt or damage natural resources like historic or scenic views, and it furthers the goals of the park.”

Billionaire Paul Fireman is pushing legislators and lobbying to get his ultra-exclusive golf course expansion onto the Caven’s Point area of Liberty State Park. The Caven Point Natural Area of Liberty State Park is a 22-acre peninsula located at the southwestern-most area of the park, accessible by the waterfront walkway. This area is frequently used by birders, and fishermen, and people enjoying nature.

“We won today, but we need to keep fighting. We have trying to stop privatization and development of Liberty State Park for over thirty years. There has been one battle after another, from golf courses to shopping malls, water parks to a private marina, and many more. We support this legislation because it will help protect Liberty State Park from inappropriate privatization. There can still be leases or concessions that could take place at the park but there will be public oversight and public process and they will have to go to a committee for approval. This will help protect the park from abuse and projects that would hurt, rather than compliment it,” said Jeff Tittel. “We need to stay attentive to make sure this bill is not weakened down the road. We must make sure that the park that is named after the Statue of Liberty belongs to all of us and stays open to all of us.”

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