Lt. Governor, Senate Majority Leader and First Lady Denounce Rep. Lance Comments on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Acting Governor Sheila Oliver signed A1094 into law on July 25, which makes it unlawful for any NJ employer to screen a job applicant based on their salary history or any other current or previous compensation. The law is designed to ensure that NJ employees receive salaries commensurate with their skills, qualifications, and experience, instead of being allowed to perpetuate the wage gap by allowing prospective employers to offer lower salaries to women and minorities than they otherwise would.

Lt. Governor, Senate Majority Leader and First Lady Denounce Rep. Lance Comments on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, Sen. Loretta Weinberg and First Lady Tammy Murphy call out Lance’s dismissal of Dr. Ford


TRENTON, NJ — Some of the most influential women leaders in New Jersey are denouncing comments made by Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7), who was caught on tape saying that he “tends not to believe” Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Dr. Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding her allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh today.

“Not only should everyone who has a serious allegation be heard, the ongoing legitimacy of our Supreme Court hinges upon the handling of this hearing,” said First Lady Tammy Murphy. “I believe Dr. Ford — she is compelling, credible and an unwilling participant here who is stepping up and performing a heroic feat of civic duty. Sadly, even before Dr. Ford testified today, Congressman Lance dismissed Dr. Ford’s credibility and said he doesn’t believe her. Congressman Lance’s time is up, and it’s time for new leadership in Congress. That’s why I’m supporting Tom Malinowski, a fighter for women, and a person who would take the honorable steps to absolutely ensure a citizen is heard, and a proper investigation would follow.”

“Sexual assault is the most traumatic experience any woman could be forced to live with and questioning the credibility of a victim is simply unacceptable,” said Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver. “The nation watched as Dr. Ford provided hours of emotional testimony today detailing Judge Kavanaugh’s attack on her so he could be held accountable for his actions and ensure the next judge appointed to the Supreme Court will protect the values of all Americans. Congressman Lance’s attempt to further humiliate Dr. Ford is intolerable and not representative of New Jersey values. It is clear we need new leadership in the Seventh Congressional District to protect and defend the rights of women.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that Congressman Leonard Lance is falling in lock step with the good old boy’s club of his Republican party on Judge Kavanaugh.  He said he ‘tends not believe the charges.’ How much more outrageous can it get?” said Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg. “He already formed an opinion without hearing her testimony!   Dr. Ford is a courageous and brave young woman — She has chosen to come forward, disrupt her family, her life, her privacy and her safety to recount these traumatic events in front of Congress.  These comments from Leonard Lance are irresponsible and wreak with partisanship without any regard for the survivor of a sexual assault — this is exactly why he should not be representing us in Congress.  This is why we need Tom Malinowski. And we need him NOW! “

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