LUPE PAC Announces Endorsement of Candidates for the 2017 NJ General Election


 LUPE PAC Announces Endorsement of Candidates for the 2017 NJ General Election


LUPE PAC proudly announces the endorsement of the following Latina candidates running for office in the November general election:



For the NJ Legislature:

  • Ileana Schimer, Candidate for State Senate, LD-14
  • Yvonne Lopez, Candidate for the State Assembly, LD-19


Local Races:

  • Kim Keyes, Candidate for Borough Council, Middlesex Township, Middlesex County
  • Iris Perrot for Warren County Clerk, Warren County
  • Esmeralda Trinidad for Jersey City Council at Large, Jersey City



  • Senator Nellie Pou (LD-35)
  • Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (LD-29)
  • Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez (LD-5)
  • Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera (LD-4)
  • Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (LD-20)
  • Assemblywoman Annette Chapparro (LD-33)
  • Assemblywoman Eliana Pinto Marin (LD-29)
  • Assemblywoman Angelica Jimenez (LD-32)
  • Assemblywoman Marlene Caride, (LD-36)



  • Phil Murphy for Governor and Sheila Oliver for Lt. Governor



LUPE PAC is excited to support an exciting group of Latinas running for both statewide office at the Assembly and Senate level, and running at the local level.  After careful review of their positions on LUPE PAC’s critical issues, the Board determined that the new candidates meet our criteria for endorsement.


“We at LUPE PAC are working hard to build a bench of progressive Latinas who can advance policy at the state and local level that is responsive to our community’s most pressing needs.  We are proud to support them and invest over $16,000 in combined contributions towards their races,” stated Patricia Campos Medina, President of LUPE PAC.  “We also urge all Latinas and Latinos to come out and vote on November 7th for our endorsed Latinas and for Phil Murphy for NJ Governor.  Phil Murphy will stand up for immigrant women as they fight to keep their families together from the threat of deportation.  Both Murphy and Oliver are committed to embracing diverse leadership in government by appointing Latinas at all levels of government,” concluded Campos Medina.


New and incumbents endorsed candidates are scheduled to attend LUPE PAC’s Latina Pioneer Awards reception on Wednesday, October 11th at Maize Rest, Newark NJ.


LUPEPAC is the premiere statewide organization supporting the interests of Latinas and promoting more Latina representation in NJ politics.  We are a non-partisan political action committee whose mission is to increase the number of progressive Latinas in elected and appointed office.  We promote and support progressive leaders who stand up for an agenda that invest in women political leadership and advances critical policy issues that matter to Latinas in NJ.


Following is the list of members of the Executive Board of LUPE PAC:

Patricia Campos Medina, President; Zulima Farber, Vice-President; Arlene Quinonez-Perez, Treasurer; Sonia Delgado, Recording Secretary; Grissele Camacho, Milagros Camacho, Carol Cuadrado, Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Julie Diaz, Lucia Gomez, Shawn Laurenti, Kay Licausi, Laura Matos, Analilia Mejia, Carmen Mendiola, Cristina Pinzon, Ana Maria Tejada, Noemi Velazquez and Katilia Velez.




Contact:  Patricia Campos-Medina


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