LUPEPAC Announces Endorsements

LUPEPAC Announces Endorsements

For Latina Candidates in the 2017 Primary Elections

New Jersey, May 31, 2017– LUPE PAC proudly announces the endorsement of the following Latina candidates who are running for office in the 2017 primary elections.

·       Ileana Schirmer for Senate, LD-14 , Republican Primary

Ileana has served as member of the Hamilton Township Board since 2012.  She is a business and civic leader with a record of advocacy for Latinas and all the citizens who live in her community.

·       Esperanza Porras-Field for City Council at Large, Morristown, NJ, Democratic Primary

Esperanza is a long time community activist in NJ and advocate for Latino entrepreneurs’ throughout the State of NJ. She has served her city of Morristown as a member of the Parking Authority and the Planning Board.  She is a long time Democratic activist and Committee member.

·       Alma Blanco for City Council, Plainfield, NJ, Democratic Primary

Alma is a long time community and political activist in Plainfield, NJ. She is the first Latina to run for office in her town.

“In fulfillment of our mission to increase the number of Latinas running for political office at the local level, LUPE PAC is delighted to announce our support of three Latina leaders who have a long trajectory of working on behalf of their communities,” stated Campos-Medina, President of LUPE PAC.   “All these candidates meet the criteria for our endorsement, have a wealth of experience on key policy issues relevant to LUPE PAC, and have the opportunity to become an exciting new voice for our community in local and state government,” stated Campos- Medina.

LUPE PAC is the premiere statewide organization supporting the interest of Latinas and promoting more Latina representation in NJ politics. LUPE PAC is a non-partisan political action committee whose mission is to increase the number of Latinas in elected and appointed office in the State of NJ. We promote and support progressive leaders who stand up for an agenda that invest in women political leadership and advances critical policy issues that matter to Latinas in NJ.

Following is the list of members of the Executive Board of LUPE PAC: Patricia Campos Medina, President; Zulima Farber, Vice-President; Arlene Quinonez-Perez, Treasurer; Sonia Delgado, Recording Secretary; Grissele Camacho, Milagros Camacho, Carol Cuadrado, Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Julie Diaz, Lucia Gomez, Shawn Laurenti, Kay Licausi, Laura Matos, Analilia Mejia, Carmen Mendiola, Cristina Pinzon, Ana Maria Tejada, Noemi Velazquez and Katilia Velez.

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