LUPEPAC Announces Support of Ras Baraka on his re-election campaign for Mayor of Newark

LUPEPAC Announces Support of Ras Baraka  on his re-election campaign for Mayor of Newark


New Jersey, April 26, 2018:  LUPE PAC proudly announces the recommendation of Ras Baraka for re-election as Mayor of Newark in the May 8thNJ non-partisan elections.


“After careful review of Ras Baraka’s record as Mayor of Newark for the last four years, the Board of LUPE PAC has voted to recommend him for re-election as Mayor,” stated Patricia Campos-Medina, President of LUPE PAC. “We are facing a critical choice in our country today between the politics of fear and the politics of inclusion.  Mayor Ras Baraka has chosen the politics of inclusion and therefore deserves our support; he instituted the state’s strongest municipal ID program and has declared Newark a ‘Sanctuary City’ thus making Newark a safe and welcoming city for all of its residents. Now more than ever we need local leaders to stand against Donald Trump’s attacks on our immigrant communities,” concluded Campos Medina.


“We believe that Ras Baraka is the right candidates to continue the economic growth, prosperity and inclusion that Newark residents rightly deserve, “ stated Lucia Gomez, Vice-President of LUPEPAC.  “Mayor Baraka recognizes the importance of expanding leadership opportunities to all citizens who live in Newark. After meeting with our Board, he has committed to developing strategies to expand leadership opportunities on Boards and Commissions where Latinas can grow, develop and participate,” concluded Cristina Pinzon, member of the Endorsements Committee of LUPEPAC.


LUPEPAC is the premiere statewide organization supporting the interests of Latinas and promoting more Latina representation in NJ politics.  “We are a non-partisan political action committee whose mission is to increase the number of Latinas in elected and appointed office in the State of New Jersey. We also support progressive political leaders who stand up for an agenda that invest in Latina women political leadership,” affirmed Laura Matos, Vice-President for LUPEPAC.


LUPEPAC urges all registered voters to come out to vote on May 8thin all of NJ non-partisan local elections, including Newark, Belleville, Bayonne and Paterson.


Following is the list of members of the Board of Directors of LUPE PAC:  Patricia Campos Medina, President; Zulima Farber, President-Emeritus; Arlene Quinonez-Perez, Treasurer; Lucia Gomez, 1stVice-President; Laura Matos, 2ndVice-President; Carol Cuadrado, Recording Secretary; Cristina Pinzon, Public Relations Secretary; Grissele Camacho, Milagros Camacho, Flora Castillo, Sonia Delgado, Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Margarita Echeverria, Aida Figueroa-Epifanio, Shawn Laurenti, Kay Licausi, Analilia Mejia, Carmen Mendiola, Felisha Reyes-Morton, Ana Maria Tejada, and Noemi Velazquez.




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